Elegant Naples Hotel - Hotel Leopardi
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An elegant atmosphere and vast panorama that embrace Posillipo Hill are just some of the unusual features of Hotel Leopardi in Naples, the same features that inspired the great poet Giacomo in his most famous compositions which came to being during his stay in the city of Vesuvius. Conveniently located near the historic center and near the Oltremare Fair, Hotel Leopardi offers you the best solution for tourist or work trips in Naples.
 City tax is not included in the rate. An extra 2.00 euro per person per night.
      Area di Gestione              
Piazzetta Pilastri 12 (Via Giulio Cesare) - 80125 Napoli, Italia - Tel. +39.081.5933711/+39.081.19565115 - Fax. +39.081.5938043 - Email: info@hotelleopardi.com
Partita IVA: 08751021216 - Societą: S4 SRLS
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